• History Of Programming Language

    History of programming language:

    Topic covered:
        1. Machine Level Language
        2. Assembly Level Language
        3. High Level Language 

    The history of programming start with the invention of microprocessor. When microprocessor was invented to run a task through it, we need a language which can acceptable by microprocessor because CPU or memory can understand only 0 and 1's i.e. it can understand only machine level language.
    1. Machine level language:
    At that time, in 1940’s the first language was written in binary form named as “Machine level language”. Microprocessor work on  high or low voltage form. So in binary 1 is denoted to high and 0 to low. As shown in below PPT, MLL contain binary code 0's and 1's. To run just one click on it.

    Note: MLL
    Machine level language(MLL). First MLL file directly process with microprocessor and result shown at output windows.

    2. Assembly level language: 
    It can not be easy to remember the code in 0 and 1 form. So, in 1950's developer developed a different type of language which is known as "Assembly Level Language".  ALL(Assembly level language) is consist of mnemonics. Mnemonics is combination of some english keywords(ADD,SUB ....) and 0, 1.
    But there was a problem that microprocessor can not able to read ALL form. So we need a converter which convert ALL to MLL. Here Assembler is used to convert ALL to MLL.
    Just one click on PPT window.

    Note: ALL
    Assembly level language(ALL). First ALL file convert to MLL then MLL file directly process with microprocessor and result shown at output windows.
    Assembler is a software which takes assembly level language as input and convert it to the machine level language.

    3. High level Language:
    It is also not easy to do programming in ALL. So, another language invented in 1960's because when a person is in comfort zone they do not think so much. But when they are facing problem then they will gone for solution. At last High level language(HLL) was invented. 
    HLL contain code in symbol or english like statements. There is also a problem, that is cpu can not able to understand HLL. So, we need a converter and that is compiler.

    Note: HLL
    High level language(HLL). First HLL file convert to MLL then MLL file directly process with microprocessor and result shown at output windows.
    Compiler is a software which takes high level language as input and convert it to the machine level language.

    For any suggestion comment below.  
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